EXPLOSIVE ORGASMS | Holy A-Spot Pleasure

Nowadays, it is extended the knowledge that intercourse is not the most crucial element to achieve women's sexual satisfaction.  However, there is still a lot of misunderstanding, taboo, stigma and shame - badly.  

In fact, most of the time you THERE IS NOTHING WRONG WITH YOU! 

It only needs a bit of technique. It is NO DIFFICULT OR  IMPOSSIBLE.  But a good thing is worth waiting for, isn't it?  So, the same applies here the pleasure is SO GOOD that it does require a bit more of technique and knowledge - or I should say exploration into the female anatomy. 

Women Anatomy

A-Spot  (see featured image at the top)

So, every women anatomy is the same as in the picture from Wikimedia Commons -pic below-.  We all have Fornix, and it comes with an anterior and posterior edge. The  Anterior fornix (erogenous) zone or AFE Zone, better known as A Spot is the one that will make you EXPLODE in PLEASURE!  


Upps, I skipped the G-Spot location explanation. Let's recall it, either Just in Case, G-spot is only a few cms. Approx. 5–8 cm (2–3 in) into the vagina, at the side of the urethra (and the urinary bladder - look at the pic below taken from research regarding the Deep Vaginal Erogenous Zones (DVZs) uploaded by Umit Sayin.  In other words, the G-Spot is about 5-8 cm in front of the A-spot on the belly side.

Bonus: also the pic below shows - red stars- all the effective zones that may trigger orgasms  


OK, let's go back to the A-Spot

We did a small research on what type of sex toy could perform better. Conclusion: Ultimate Vibrators like the Rabbit Type, or any other that provides dual stimulation. In general, the stimulation of at least two spot pleasures, and texture seem to be crucial and effective for most of the users. 

Everyone is different, but here you have an example. Use a 10-speed mini - for beginners - or a 30-speed model, among others. First; be caring with the clitoris, it is so sensitive- you have 8000 nerve ending there-, the vibrator has several settings, find the one you like.  Then, the “shaft” has ripples and it tapers down. As we orgasm, we push out. Keep it inside, feeling it. It will carry on rub those ripples across your G spot, you can push it deeper till the A spot stimulation.

Holy holy if you activate the EXPLOSIVE A spot orgasm

You will marry it.  

More on how to have an explosive orgasm, check out here 

More erogenous women zones, there are plenty 

What do you think? Do you have experience? Tell us... 


Love you all,

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