Yes, there is a complex combination of biology, psychology, culture and more influencers to explain gender masturbation gaps.
However, the numbers said:
- Men masturbate the most. They are early successors at achieving organisms. Only by 25-29 years old both genders masturbate similarly.
- Women do masturbate in many ways - not always acknowledged- Only 20% involved vaginal penetration.
- Women prefer the use of a vibrator (40%) compared to men (10%)
- Female relies on vibrators for better orgasms. Why?

Might different patterns on learning about masturbation influence how to achieve better sexual satisfaction?
Why women trust maximum pleasure to herself?
Is she confidence about the knowledge of her sexual self? Maybe, not enough to teach their partners?
Are there more factors involve? What do you think?
Either way, LADIES OF ALL AGES! Explore, Discover...Masturbate!
Spread the word - Social Media Ban this type of infographic - =(
***Mommies***: Let your young lady know that it is OK - NORMAL-. Be there for her if she needs information.
A pleasant sex experience starts with self-exploration. Early self-knowledge predicts future sex-life!
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